
Premixes are complex mix of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutritional additives(average of 25 raw materials) to incorporate in feed between 0,2 and 2% (micro premix) or between 2% to 8% (macro premix, including proteins, salts, amino acids).

Our long-lasting experience in animal nutrition relies on our global R&D network and 35 years of scientific research. We have a global industrial presence and  tons of feed are produced with our products every year.

Albrn premixes are formulated in order to specifically answer the animal nutritional needs. We develop, produce and trade tailored premixes according to local conditions (targets, raw materials, sanitary conditions...). We customize our approach and solutions in order to meet your needs and expectations.

We strictly selected our ingredients to formulate our products thanks to our internal control plan. We controlled the nutritional quality and stability of our premixes, and we are able to provide you high-quality solutions.

Any question about our premixes

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